
Make Your Move this Ergonomics Month


October 1, 2019

Make Your Move

If you didn’t know, October is the official month of ergonomics. The term “ergonomics” is widely known but narrowly understood. Sit less, stand a bit more, position your hands here, adopt low-level activities, sit-up straight, watch that monitor timedoes any of this have to do with ergonomics?   

The quick answer is yes, but it’s so much more, and it gets complex quick. That’s where we come in to simplify ergonomics so you can make your move and do what’s right for you and your comfort. 

For the month of October, we will focus on three key topics that align to ergonomic principles and will support your overall wellness as you work and engage with technology. We’re also sponsoring a webinar on the brain-posture connection and the power of movement with the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) on October 22 (watch for a registration link soon!). After all, we believe informed knowledge seekers are empowered individuals who make this world a better place.  

Follow along this month for weekly emails and videos at to make your best move to a stronger you. 


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